
Thursday, March 12, 2015

20 Things I Did in Texas That I Never Do in Maine

I am a Texan, born and raised.  There is so much pride that comes with being a Texan.  I am thankful that I get to live in other amazing places, but no matter where I end up, Texas will always be my home.
1.  Check the weather constantly.

Texans say, "If you don't like the weather, just wait an hour."  If I didn't check the weather every day, I would risk the chance of wearing flip flops in freezing weather with a wintry mix or a sweater on an day with 80 degree temps and abundant sunshine.  The weather is one of the best parts of Texas because it never gets too cold, but it is always changing so make sure you check.

2.  Drive for hundreds of miles and never leave the state.

Texas is big and beautiful.  I loved driving to my grandparents house up in the panhandle of Texas.  I would drive all day long, admiring the wide open spaces and never leave the state.

3.  Eat at Mexican Food restaurants.

I love Mexican food, and I grew up eating Tex-Mex and New Mexican food (my grandparents live on the Texas/New Mexico border).  Those are the only kinds I deem acceptable, so when I moved to a new state and blindly went to a Mexican restaurant, I was greatly disheartened to realize it wasn't good to me.  I tried and tried and failed and failed.  I have only found a handful of Mexican restaurants that aren't in Texas or New Mexico that I would eat at again.

But the bright side is I get to make my own Mexican food now.

4.  Eat at Chick-fil-A.

I know Chick-fil-A is from Georgia and not a Texas thing, but we don't have one here.  Why is there no CFA in Maine?  I love you CFA; come to Maine!

This song about Chick-fil-A is hilarious.

5.  Eat Kolaches.

Kolaches are delicious, especially the ones from the Czech Stop in West, TX.  I haven't found any here so feel free to wrap some up and send them my way.

6.  Swim in my swimming pool from April to October.

We would crank up our pool heater in late April and get swim season started early.  I am pretty sure there will still be snow on the ground in April where we are now.  Quite a change for us!

7.  Have the AC on constantly from March to November.

Air conditioning units are a necessity in Texas.  We don't even have one here at all.  In Texas, I would already have mine running in March.  In Maine, our fire is still going in our wood stove.

8.  Wear flip flops year-round.

Flip flops are a staple in any Texan's wardrobe.  You wear them all year.  I vividly remember leaving the hospital after the birth of my second child.  It was the day before Thanksgiving; I wore a tank top, capri pants, flip flops, and I was hot.  Texas weather is crazy!  (See point #1)

9.  Water my lawn.

I used to water my lawn all the time just to try to keep it green and lush.  It blew my mind when I got here, the grass was gorgeous, and I did not ever have to water it.  I do miss the brown grass, but I don't miss my water bill.

10.  Run outside in any season.

I love to run, and Texas has perfect running weather.  As long as you go before the sun comes up in the summer and are fully prepared to recover from and treat heat exhaustion, you are set.  I have been told I can run in the snow and frigid temps in Maine, but I think I will stick to my treadmill until it warms up a bit.

11.  Take day trips to Austin, Dallas, College Station, San Antonio, and everywhere in between.

I am a Texan, and I love Texas!  I love every big city, every small town, and every wide open space in  between.  I could take a trip to anywhere in Texas and love it.  There are so many wonderful places to see and experience.

12.  Enjoy the college football rivalry with other Texas teams.

I love college football, and there is nothing better than the rivalry between all the big Texas teams.  I am a fightin' Texas Aggie.  Whoop!  Being in Texas and hearing the relentless banter between Aggies, Longhorns, Bears, and Raiders, is something I miss.

13.  Give in to the constant humidity and accept that sweat happens.

Texas is hot and humid, really hot and humid, and you can't go anywhere without getting sweaty in the summer.  You just give in and go with it.

14.  Require that I have a backyard with mature shade trees and a pool.

When I was looking for houses in Texas, one of my requirements was mature shade trees in my backyard because I can't even stand to be outside in the summer without them.  Luckily, I found a house that also came with a pool.  In Maine, neither of those things mattered at all when I was looking for a house.

15.  Eat Texas BBQ.

Texas barbecue is delicious.  I have tried BBQ from other states, and I do like it, but Texas BBQ will always be my favorite.  Where's the beef?!?

16. Drive on an access road.

The big highways in Texas all have access roads next to them.  An access road is a small road that follows the same course as the highway so that you don't have to get on the highway to go somewhere.  There are shops, restaurants, and businesses lining the access roads.  This is something I have not seen in any of the other states I have lived in so far.

17.  Visit small towns in Texas.

While I grew up in the big city, my grandparents live in a small town in the panhandle.  I love visiting there.  It is a town filled with farmers and good 'ole boys who go out to get coffee together every afternoon.  They all know each other, and give a friendly wave whether you are from there or not.  Small town Texas is friendly, welcoming, and warms my heart when I think of it.

18.  Take in the flat, treeless landscape.

I like trees, I really do, but I have a deep fondness for a flat, treeless landscape.  There is something so beautiful about being able to see for miles and miles with nothing blocking your view.

19.  Enjoy all that a big city has to offer.

I grew up in Dallas, and I am a city girl.  I am enjoying my new country life, but I do miss having a huge mall 10 minutes from my house, any kind of restaurant I could ever want close by, big amusement parks and sports teams within a 40 minute drive, and all the other perks of a big city.

20.  Feel the Texas Pride.

In case you didn't know, Texans swell with pride for their state.  We proudly recite the pledge in our schools every morning.  We teach a whole year of Texas history in fourth grade and again in eighth grade.  We have so much loyalty to our state and are proud to call it home.

What do you love about the great state of Texas?  Please share your thoughts in the comments.

This post is a follow-up to my original post, 20 Things I Have Done in Maine That I Never Did in Texas.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Do They Like Me?

I sat in the driver's seat, turning the wheel, depressing the pedals, and words swirled in my mind.

Did they like me?

I left an event full of people, and I wondered if I was liked, loved, needed, seen.

Did they like me?

It was the cry of the me inside wanting to know if I was validated, known, heard, wanted.

Did they like me?

I have spent so much of my life wondering if I am liked, if I am loved, if I am wanted, and my deepest self wants to please.

But what if they don't like me? 

As I drove the car, the words swirled in my mind, and the whisper of the Holy Spirit came through all the deafening lies swirling in my head.

You are not here to be loved,
but to be love.

I knew it was the voice of truth because it was truth.  I am not here to be loved by people.  I want them to love me, to like me, to want to be with me, but what if they don't?

Be love.

My interactions with others should not be based on if they liked me when I walk away, but if I showed them love?  Life-changing, God-honoring, Christ-sacrificing love.

Did I love them well?

Look at the example of Christ.  He was moved with compassion for the multitudes, and He healed them when they were sick, He fed them when they were hungry, He spoke truth to them even when they didn't fully understand or like what He said.  When He was done, some people liked Him, but many did not.  He still showed them love.

Be My love.

In my life, I need to be His love to others.  That needs to be the goal.  So change the question.  Stop asking if they liked me, and start asking if I loved them.  If I loved them well, then it doesn't matter what they think of me.  All that matters is what my God thinks of me, and if I love people as He did, then I know I have done well.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

20 Things I Have Done in Maine That I Never Did in Texas

1.  Shovel snow

     Never in my life, have I seen this much snow.  Seriously, y'all, there is so much snow that I cannot walk through it unless I shovel a path.  Then, every other day or two it snows again, and I have to re-shovel my path.

    I will be honest, my husband has done most of the shoveling, but one day I decided to surprise him.  He was at work, and I decided I would do all the shoveling before he came home.  It was a lot of work.  The hardest part was having to throw the snow over the 5 foot snow wall that had built up on the side of our front path.  Shoveling is not for the weak.

2.  Stack firewood

Before winter hits, you have to be prepared, and being prepared means stacking firewood.  Our landlord told us he used about 4 cords of wood  So we ordered 4 cords, having no clue how much that was.  Well, here it is in this picture, and I got out there with my husband and stacked it all in the woodshed.  Come the end of winter it will be gone.  That is a lot of wood!

3.  Play in deep snow.

I have played in an inch of snow that melts before noon, but this is the first time I have ever lived where there is deep snow.  I might be missing something, but I don't even know how to make a snowman or snow angel in snow this deep. 

4.  Take care of a chicken.

I know many of my friends have chickens in other parts of country, but this is my first time to have a chicken.  I know I should have more than one, but an "unfortunate incident" happened right before we moved in knocking the five chickens we were supposed to have from our landlord down to only one.  She is the lone survivor, and she is now a family pet.  She is hearty and strong, surviving the harsh winter without other chickens to keep her warm (we equipped her chicken coop with a heat lamp).  We are proud of our little survivor, Diana.

5.  Dress for frigid weather.

I always knew how to dress for a cold day, but I never knew how people survived frigid temperatures.  Then I went to the L.L. Bean Flagship Store.  It is an amazing place, full of all kinds of magical clothing items that make freezing weather bearable, and, dare I say, enjoyable.  I don't go anywhere without my snow boots or thick down coat, unless it gets above 20, which is a warm day.  

6.  Start a fire without a gas fireplace or fire starting block. 

When I moved here, I assumed we would have a fireplace, but we don't.  We have a wood stove because winter up here is the real deal.  This is not a fun little fire that I light when it drops to the lower 30s.  This is a heavy duty stove that I keep fire blazing in all winter long. 

7. Go sledding.
I will be honest, I am not very good at this one.  When I tried to let the girls sled down the hill in our yard, the sled just sunk right through the snow and stopped.  I think the snow is too deep and our hill is too flat to go sledding, but I am probably wrong.  I am just a southern girl who has never gone sledding before, and I have no clue how to get the sled going in deep snow.  

(If you have tips, please leave them in the comments.)

8.  Go ice skating on a frozen lake. 

I was an ice skater when I was younger.  Never in my life had I ever skated on a real lake.  So one day, I went down to the frozen lake, laced up my skates, and did my thing.  I heard gurgling under the surface, and it made me too nervous to stay out there any longer.  I don't know if that is normal, maybe it is, but it freaked me out.  

9.  Have a Post Office box instead of a mailbox. 

When we moved in, I asked our landlord about our mailbox, and he told us to get a Post Office box because the mailboxes get knocked over by the plows in the winter.  I had no clue what he was talking about.  I could not even fathom that much snow, but he was right.  

Here is a mailbox in the winter.  Do you see it in there buried deep in the snow?  Yeah, now I am glad my mail is in a warm, dry building and not covered in snow.

10.  Visit a ski mountain and a beach on the same day.

A few weeks ago, we went to an amazing place called Camden.  It has a ski mountain, and it is on the coast.  It wasn't open for skiing yet, but before I leave Maine, I plan on skiing that mountain just so I can get a glimpse of the ocean from the top of the ski mountain.  Awesome!

11.  Visit lighthouses. 

A trip to Maine isn't complete without visiting a lighthouse or two.  They are gorgeous, and make for great pictures.

12.  Take a long Sunday drive to look at fall foliage.

In the fall it is something you must do here.  We loaded up our van and drove all day on a Sunday after church just to look at the colors, and we didn't tire of it.  It really is one of the most breathtaking sights I have seen, and pictures don't do it justice.

13.  Get coffee at Dunkin Donuts drive-thru instead of the Starbucks drive-thru.

Dunkin Donuts is the thing here.  There is one on almost every corner, and their coffee is amazing.  It helps that there isn't a Starbucks drive-thru in my town.  I choose the convenient drive-thru over the fancy coffee any day.

14.  Wonder when I will see the ground in my backyard again.

In Texas, we would get excited over a coating of snow on the ground.  Now I get excited when a small patch of ground pokes through the melting snow.  I haven't seen the grass in over a month.

15.  Eat fresh lobster.

I didn't like lobster before moving here, but once I moved here and tasted the fresh stuff, I changed my mind.  Fresh lobster is delicious.  One thing of note: there aren't any Red Lobsters in Maine.  I think I know why. 

16.  Go skiing for a day trip.

I love to ski.  I grew up going on ski trips.  In fact, our honeymoon was a ski trip, but I have never lived anywhere close enough to a ski mountain to go skiing for the day and drive home at night.  It is bliss for me.  I love to ski, and now I can go on a Saturday without having to bust my budget.

17.  Go to the beach for a day trip.

Same goes for the beach.  We love the beach, and now we are close enough to go to the beach just for the day.  Why don't more people live here?

18.  Ask myself if I am saying "y'all" too much.

I really do this.  I am pretty sure I don't have much of an accent when I talk, but my dead giveaway is how much I say "y'all."  I say it a lot, y'all, and I constantly think when I am having a conversation if I have said it too much.  I never did that in Texas.

19.  Pick apples.

I love apples.  I am an apple a day kind of girl, so when we went to an apple festival in the fall, and I was able to load up on apples, I was in heaven.  I made apple everything, and ate at least an apple or two a day.  

20.  Make snow ice cream. 

The snow cream was delicious.  The snow frappuccino I made was not.

What do you love about Maine?  Let me know in the comments.  

Stay tuned next week for my follow up post:  

 - 20 Things I Did in Texas That I Never Do in Maine