You are missing all the moments that are so special.
You missed her
first crawl
first step
first "Dada"
first birthday
first ...
I don't know how many more moments I can stand for you to miss.
Hurry home, Chris, so that you can see how big your little girl is.
She gets bigger everyday.
And while everyday that passes we get closer to your return,
we will never get back these precious moments.
I posted my poem. It made me feel better to express it, to write it down, to see it in print.
Then I received this wise, thoughtful response:
Not with this one you won't, dear friend, but there will be others.
One of the sweetest blessings of God was watching Andrew's reactions to all of Andie's "firsts". They weren't so spectacular to me - I'd seen Curtis grow from baby to toddler. So while I appreciated her development, I'd "used up" my firstborn awe and wonder. Because of deployment, Andrew had not. Watching him enjoy our 2nd child as if she was the first was a delight.
Remember that God promised a desperate Israel that he would restore the years the locust had eaten. He's more than redeemed our deployment years and I pray he'll do the same for you.
I wanted to believe her, but I didn't. I didn't know how.
What if we had no more children? We did.
What if he deployed again? He did.
What if he never saw any of our children's first moments? He did.
It didn't come the way I expected. I wanted it for our second child. How could the military take him away again for the exact same moments he missed the first time? He missed them all again. The first baby and the second. He never saw a first crawl, first step, first birthday.
Our second baby girl talking to Chris on her first birthday. |
Then something happened.
Our third little blessing. She was my third. I had seen it all before, but he hadn't, and I saw it. I saw the wonder in his eyes. I saw the pure joy in his face. I saw every single moment through the eyes of a brand new parent. He had never seen it before, and it amazed him. That's when I remembered what my wise friend said. Those moments were redeemed, made more special, filled me with wonder. My heart was full, it overflowed, joy abounded. All the missed moments, redeemed.